Apostolic Councils
God is raising up Apostolic councils to bring forth a Kingdom order in the world. Many talk about Apostolic council but what are they according to scripture. The Apostolic council will bring corporate oneness, order, true doctrine, accountability, and proper governments according to scripture. In the New Testament, they would call these councils; companies.
God would raise up an Apostle and they would build a company of Ascension Gifts. They would have a mission and they would focus on a people and territories bringing the Gospel of the Kingdom to regions. Paul, a good example, built a company and his mission was to reach the gentiles. Then they would set up Apostles over regions, and they would appoint Elders to bring things to order in that region.
These councils would have to come into Unity and Love for one another, to be able to set up the Ekklesia to legislate in those territories. The only way to get this done is to have first a true love and a unity around the mission and a heart of oneness for the Kingdom.
They didn't build separate ministries or independent churches. They would make the city, or state the church. Like the church of Ephesus; the goal was to make the whole region the church. They would root out the rulers of darkness from the territory. They would bring the message of the Kingdom. Preaching the Word and causing faith in the people of Region. Faith for our Lord and Savior.
Also, the purpose of the council was to build one corporate body or one corporate son that represents one Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This was the prayer of our Lord, that we may be one. We can't just take territories by building independent churches or organizations; that hasn't worked very well.
Our cities and nations are in darkness because the church is building with man's systems and not God's. We can't do it by just building fellowships and having relationships. That's the start but it will take real Apostolic councils, hubs that are focused on building one corporate people from region to region.
These Apostolic councils in our opinion should be Fathers of proven experience in the church. That are leading and raising up sons for the next generation. We must keep building councils and this corporate oneness of God's family in all the earth. For all the earth will be filled with His glory. But the church must be reformed and his sons transformed.
We must come back to the New Testament pattern to see the Kingdom of God's rule in all the earth. This will never get done by a one-man hierarchy, it must be done by councils that will raise up the true Ekklesia to cover the nations.
There is much more we could share but the church is not ready for it because we are still building according to systems that were never systems of the Kingdom. But we see the beginning of accurate Kingdom order beginning to manifest with true Fathers and Sons of the church. That want to see the corporate oneness of the Christ and His body to cover the earth. To cover it with His love, mercy, and grace that is led by the governor; the Holy Spirit.
In Summation:
1. God is raising up Apostolic councils to bring forth a Kingdom order in the world.
2. God would raise up an Apostle and they would build a company of Ascension Gifts.
3. These councils would have to come into Unity and Love for one another to be able to set up the Ekklesia to legislate in those territories.
4. The purpose of the council was to build one corporate body or one corporate son that represents one Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
5. These Apostolic councils in our opinion should be Fathers of proven experience in the church.
6. We see the beginning of accurate Kingdom order beginning to manifest with true Father and Sons of the church.